
 Item Link 
RTnorm  final publishable report, August 2020 (pdf)  16NRM03 Final publishable report (accepted)
Final year publishable project summary (pdf)  16NRM03 Final publishable summary (M30)
Second year publishable project summary March 2019 (pdf)  16NRM03_RTNORM_Publishable_Summary_M21
First year publishable project summary June 2018 (pdf)  16NRM03_RTNORM_Publishable_Summary_M12
Initial publishable project summary July 2017 (pdf)  16NRM03-RTNORM-initial-publishable-summary-v1
The RTnorm logo in various formats
(zip file)
Glossary used in the project
(pdf file)


Published paper or abstract DOI link

M. Pimpinella, L. Silvi, M. Pinto:

Calculation of kQ factors for Farmer-type ionization chambers following the recent recommendations on new key dosimetry data. Physica Medica, 57, January 2019, Pages 221-230


 L. de Prez, J. de Pooter, B. Jansen, T. Perik and F. Wittkämper:

Corrigendum: Comparison of k Q factors measured with a water calorimeter in flattening filter free (FFF) and conventional flattening filter (cFF) photon beams (de Prez et al 2018 Phys. Med. Biol . 63 045023) Physics in Medicine & Biology, 64 (3), 2019. 


L. de Prez, J. de Pooter, B. Jansen, T. Perik and F. Wittkämper:

Comparison of kQ factors measured with a water calorimeter in flattening filter free (FFF) and conventional flattening filter (cFF) photon beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(4), 2018.  


 D. Czarnecki1, B. Poppe and K. Zink:

Impact of new ICRU Report 90 recommendations on calculated correction factors for reference dosimetry.  Phys. Med. Biol. 63 (2018) 155015 (12pp)


Abstract:  P. Teles, S. di Maria, M. Pinto and F. Delaunay:

Fano theory validation of the MCNP6.0 Monte Carlo code for medical applications. Physica Medica. Volume 52, Supplement 1, August 2018, Page 29


Abstract:  C.E. Andersen G.V. Santurio and L. de Prez:

On the potential of direct MV calibration of ionization chambers by secondary standards laboratories. Physica Medica. Volume 52, Supplement 1, August 2018, Pages 11-12.


Baumann,K-S,Horst, F., Zink, K., Gomà, C.:

Comparison of penh, fluka, and Geant4/topas for absorbed dose calculations in air cavities representing ionization chambers in high‐energy photon and proton beams. Medical Physics, September, 2019.


K-S Baumann, S. Kaupa, C. Bach, R. Engenhart-Cabillic and K. Zink:

Monte Carlo calculation of beam quality correction factors in proton beams using TOPAS/GEANT4.  Phys. Med. Biol. 65 055015


K-S Baumann, S. Kaupa, C. Bach, R. Engenhart-Cabillic and K. Zink:

Corrigendum: Monte Carlo calculation of beam quality correction factors in proton beams using TOPAS/GEANT4 (2020 Phys. Med. Biol. 65 055015). Phys. Med. Biol. 65 119501.


Gomà, C. and Sterpin, E.:

Monte Carlo calculation of beam quality correction factors in proton beams using PENH. Phys. Med. Biol. 64 (2019) 185009 (10pp)


P Andreo, D T Burns, R P Kapsch, M McEwen, S Vatnitsky, C E Andersen, F Ballester, J Borbinha, F Delaunay, P Francescon, M D Hanlon, L Mirzakhanian, B Muir, J Ojala, C P Oliver, M Pimpinella, M Pinto, L A de Prez, J Seuntjens, L Sommier, P Teles, J Tikkanen, J Vijande, K Zink:  

Determination of consensus k Q values for megavoltage photon beams for the update of IAEA TRS-398. Phys Med Biol. 2020 May 7;65(9):095011.


J Tikkanen, K Zink, M Pimpinella, P Teles, J Borbinha, J Ojala, T Siiskonen, C Gomà and M Pinto:

Calculated beam quality correction factors for ionization chambers in MV photon beams. Phys. Med. Biol. 2020 65 075003



15 FEBRUARY 2025